Questions on physdev vs. classdev

Kay Sievers kay.sievers at
Tue Jan 24 15:33:49 PST 2006

On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 01:11:15PM -0800, Artem Kachitchkine wrote:
> >It seems like Linux distinguishes between physical devices (e.g. a PCI
> >card), and logical devices (a PCI card that happens to be a sound card).
> > Therefore, one physdev event will be triggered as well as one classdev
> >event.  Is that correct?
> From my experience in porting HAL to Solaris (soon to be released), 
> physdev vs classdev can be considered a Linux artifact.

Correct, ignore that class/block/bus/devices device nonsense completely,
it does not make sense and I'm currently working on changing the linux
kernel not to do this anymore:


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