extend support for Motorola Phones with iTunes support (was Re: hal: Branch 'master')

David Zeuthen david at fubar.dk
Sat Apr 7 09:54:50 PDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 21:05 +0200, Danny Kukawka wrote:
> On Freitag, 6. April 2007, David Zeuthen wrote:
> > On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 10:20 -0700, Danny Kukawka wrote:
> > > +	    <match key="@storage.physical_device:info.product" contains_ncase="iTunes">

(Btw, this should also be originating_device instead of physical_device)

> > > +               <merge key="storage.model" type="string">Motorola iTunes Phone</merge>
> > > +               <merge key="portable_audio_player.type" type="string">ipod</merge>
> > > +            </match>
> > 
> > Please don't match on info.product; instead match on usb.product since I
> > think that is what you mean. Thanks!
> No, this was not what I meant. I used info.product to not change usb.product while copy 
> the information from real phone device which is not the parent of device we identify as
> music player, 

Just curious, why do we do that?

> but the parent of the storage device which is the parent of the device:
> noserial
>  -> storage device (copy from @info.parent:usb_device.product to info.product)
>     -> music player (check for @storage.physical_device:info.product)
> Any other idea? Should we change usb.product (which is may needed in other tools
> unchanged).

I'm not sure I understand; is 

 usb_device.product (e.g. the USB device)

different from

 usb.product (e.g. on the USB interface)

on that phone? Can you attach lshal output? Thanks!

> > ps. as an aside it would be nice if our script to send diffs to
> > hal-commit would set the subject line of the mail to the first line of
> > the commit description...
> I requested this already a long time ago (because this is really anoying) from the fd.o 
> admins, but nothing happend until now. Can we access the script our self? IMO this is 
> a problem in the git config - the commit mails should always contain the name of the
> git repo in the subject.

I think it requires an fd.o admin to change that file. It should be
easier, I agree.


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