[PATCH] Don't fail if polkit-policy-file-validate is not found

Michael Biebl mbiebl at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 05:09:05 PST 2007

2007/12/11, Martin Pitt <martin at piware.de>:
> Hi,
> Michael Biebl [2007-12-11  1:25 +0100]:
> > What's the benefit of running polkit-policy-file-validate on all build
> > daemons when it has been run before while creating the release
> > tarballs (make distcheck)?
> You get the checks on all 11 platforms, and also notice if some of the
> underlying libraries change underneath you. You would be surprised
> what kind of strange bugs I already found due to the postgresql test
> suite.

I fully agree with you all. But why should we fail during ./configure
if polkit-policy-file-validate is absent and not during "make check",
when it's actually needed?
Please keep in mind that I don't want to remove the policy file
validation, please see my first patch


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