[PATCH] fix gtk-doc code documentation

Danny Kukawka danny.kukawka at web.de
Tue Feb 13 13:45:32 PST 2007


this patch fix the gtk-doc code documentation (why ever we switched from 
docbook to gtk-doc - IMO docbook was more tolerant and better to use and the 
change was not the best idea).

This needed also some smaller code changes. 

Please review.


 hald/create_cache.c                            |   13
 hald/device.c                                  |   14
 hald/freebsd/probing/probe-smbios.c            |   24 -
 hald/hald.c                                    |   29 -
 hald/hald.h                                    |   10
 hald/hald_dbus.c                               |  354 +++++++++--------
 hald/hald_dbus.h                               |   87 ++--
 hald/ids.c                                     |   97 ++--
 hald/linux/acpi.c                              |  128 ++++--
 hald/linux/addons/addon-acpi-buttons-toshiba.c |   25 -
 hald/linux/addons/addon-cpufreq-userspace.c    |  144 +++++-
 hald/linux/addons/addon-cpufreq-userspace.h    |    2
 hald/linux/addons/addon-cpufreq.c              |  196 ++++++++-
 hald/linux/hotplug.h                           |    2
 hald/linux/hotplug_helper.h                    |   16
 hald/linux/pmu.c                               |   30 -
 hald/linux/probing/probe-smbios.c              |   26 -
 hald/logger.c                                  |   63 +--
 hald/logger.h                                  |   12
 hald/rule.h                                    |   19
 hald/solaris/osspec.c                          |    9
 hald/util.c                                    |  129 +++---
 hald/util.h                                    |    2
 hald/util_pm.c                                 |   49 +-
 libhal-storage/libhal-storage.c                |  171 ++++----
 libhal-storage/libhal-storage.h                |    6
 partutil/partutil.h                            |    3
 tools/hal-storage-mount.c                      |    2
 tools/hal-system-power-pmu.c                   |   55 +-
 tools/hal_find_by_capability.c                 |   22 -
 tools/hal_find_by_property.c                   |   25 -
 tools/hal_get_property.c                       |   32 -
 tools/hal_set_property.c                       |   32 -
 tools/lshal.c                                  |  153 ++++---
 34 files changed, 1203 insertions(+), 778 deletions(-)
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