Cannot get Mount/Unmount notifications.
Matthew Yacobucci
myacobucci at
Tue May 29 08:35:24 PDT 2007
Hello all,
I'm new to dbus and hal and am trying to get some notifications from Volumes
at mount and umount.
Unfortunately I am having trouble getting these notifications,
but a generic catchall that I found in an example. Currently I'm using
dbus-1.0.2, hal-, and dbus-python 0.80.2.
In the main() function I'm simply looping through all devices and then doing a
check for 'block' capability and then 'is_volume'. Once that is determined I am
getting the ProxyObject for the device and trying to connect_to_signal for the "VolumeMount",
"VolumeUnmount", and "VolumeUnmountForced" conditions. The handler I
have setup never gets called back though. The only signal I see get hit
is the "catchall_signal_handler" for the "PropertyModified" signal.
What I am doing is running this script and then mounting and unmounting
a volume on my local machine (mostly just mounting /dev/sda1). Any suggestions or
advice would be greatly appreciated?
M Yacobucci
-------------------- python script --------------------
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import dbus
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
import gobject
def catchall_signal_handler(*args, **kwargs):
print ("Caught signal (in catchall handler) " + \
kwargs['dbus_interface'] + "." + kwargs['member'])
for arg in args:
print " " + str(arg)
if len(args) > 1:
for i in args[1]:
print i
print "kwargs: ", kwargs
# XXX why don't these work?
def catchall_mount_signals_handler(*args, **kwargs):
print "Caught mount signal " + device
def volume_mounted(device, mount):
print "Caught mount signal"
print "Volume %s mounted to %s" % (device, mount)
def volume_unmounted(device, mount):
print "Caught unmount signal"
print "Volume %s unmounted from %s" % (device, mount)
def volume_forced(device, mount):
print "Caught forced unmount signal"
print "Volume %s force unmounted from %s" % (device, mount)
def main():
bus = dbus.Bus(dbus.Bus.TYPE_SYSTEM)
hal_obj = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Hal', \
manager = dbus.Interface(hal_obj, 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager')
udis = manager.GetAllDevices()
for udi in udis:
dev_obj = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Hal', udi)
dev = dbus.Interface(dev_obj, 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device')
if dev.QueryCapability('block'):
print udi
if dev.GetProperty('block.is_volume'):
print "System device: %s" %
if dev.QueryCapability('volume'):
if dev.GetProperty('volume.is_mounted'):
print "Mounted volume"
print "Not mounted"
print dev.GetProperty('volume.mount_point')
print dev.GetProperty('volume.fstype')
print dev.GetProperty('volume.size')
dev_obj.connect_to_signal('VolumeMount', volume_mounted)
if dev.QueryCapability('storage'):
print dev.GetProperty('storage.bus')
print dev.GetProperty('storage.drive_type')
bus.add_signal_receiver(catchall_signal_handler, \
interface_keyword='dbus_interface', member_keyword='member')
bus.add_signal_receiver(catchall_mount_signals_handler, \
dbus_interface = "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume", \
signal_name = "VolumeMount")
loop = gobject.MainLoop()
return 0;
if __name__ == "__main__":
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