Teaching hal about format/fsck/label changing

Pat Suwalski pat at suwalski.net
Tue Nov 13 08:34:52 PST 2007

Martin Pitt wrote:
> The lack of nice desktop integration of volume label changing,
> fscking, and formatting has bothered me for a long time already. Now I
> finally have some time to work on this.

This has bugged me and many Linux users I know for a long, long time as 
well. I think your design idea is great, using a backend along the lines 
of the mount one. This was impossible in the past.

There will be issues with labels that the user shouldn't have permission 
to change, for example LVMs and other devices needed to be identified 
for booting. Some distros use UUIDs, other use labels. But I guess this 
will have the same user restrictions as mounting currently does and may 
not be a big problem.


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