Update on DeviceKit

Daniel Stone daniel.stone at nokia.com
Wed May 7 09:51:12 PDT 2008

On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 06:44:16PM +0200, ext Danny Kukawka wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2008, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> > So instead of 
> > hooking up everything to a new fancy backlight control daemon you could
> > just hook it up to X where a lot of work has already been done in this
> > area, where an API is established and where some other people do the
> > maintaining for you.
> Nobody speak about a "new fancy backlight control daemon". It should simply go 
> into a DeviceKit-powermanagement (or how ever you would like to call it) and 
> should provice at least the same functionality as currently HAL. And because 
> of this KDE or GNOME (or whatever) applications could use simply the new DBus 
> interface instead of HAL. Thats much easier than do everything through X.

I can't even pretend to follow your logic here.  GNOME and KDE should
deal with the concept of multiple screens, including turning them on and
off (DPMS), through X, but backlights through HAL? Are you going to
provide support for multiple screens? If so, how will they map to the
screens that GNOME and KDE get information and set properties on through

Why are you so keen on forcing people to deal with two display control
APIs, one of which only deals with backlights and nothing else?

Daniel, honestly perplexed
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