export as ini file

Ricardo Guimarães ricardo at kidux.net
Thu Oct 2 06:50:58 PDT 2008

Hello danny,

I do not know if this functions are interesting to you. In my current
development it's interesting. So, i've sent to list. Maybe anyone also have

Hal is very helpful and will be default in every linux distribution in a
short time.

I believe that any software may speak my own language. So, i will do the
i18n and release as a patch in my site. If anyone want to help, translating,
i will be very happy.

When "America" or any country that spoke english dominate the world and
force us to talk english, maybe i18n will not be interesting anymore.



2008/10/2 Danny Kukawka <danny.kukawka at web.de>

> On Donnerstag, 2. Oktober 2008, Ricardo Guimarães wrote:
> > Helo,
> >
> > This patch generate 2 functions.
> >
> > 1) Output lshal results to a file.
> > 2) Output lshal as a ini file.
> For what do we need these functions. lshal is only a developer/debug tool
> for
> HAL.
> Why do we/you need to generate a ini file and why do you need an extra
> option
> to put the lshal output to a file (currently you can simply redirect the
> output to a file without any problems, e.g.: 'lshal > /tmp/lshal').
> I have problems to see any advantage in these changes atm.
> > Do you have interest in i18n hal and lshal?
> HAL is a system daemon and lshal is a developer tool. There is no need for
> translation. We already removed old translation stuff from HAL a long time
> ago.
> Danny
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