automount ntfs volumes

Ambroz Bizjak ambro at
Tue Oct 28 10:24:18 PDT 2008

I've seen the recent commits about alternative filesystem drivers and I think 
it's a good idea.

I have a svn account for KDE and I will commit patches to support these new 

However there is a problem: which driver should I choose? It seem bad
to just pick the first alternative driver, hoping it's better than the basic 
driver. Yes, I can add some option to allow the user to choose, but there 
should be a way to set the default on HAL level - rather than hardcode
preferred drivers in each desktop enviroment.

I suggest to document another config option in HAL that specifies the 
preferred driver, so that desktops can default to it, but still allow the user 
to change it. E.g. "volume.fstype.preferred_alternative". That option, if 
present, would tell applications which alternative driver to use by default. 
There is no change needed to HAL, other than documenting it. Should some 
user/distro want to use ntfs-3g by default, it would just set that option to 
"ntfs-3g", along with describing the alternative fstype.

P.S. sorry if you got that mail twice, sobscribed with the wrong email...

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