Strange mounting issue with ext3

Patryk Zawadzki patrys at
Tue Apr 7 02:27:13 PDT 2009

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Ozan Çağlayan <ozan at> wrote:
> Martin Pitt wrote:
>>> BTW, we're talking about the mount point's ownership/permissions, not the fs'.
>> The mount point's permissions become identical to the permissions of
>> the fs' root directory after mounting.
> Okay, all of it sounds reasonable but what is the solution if I'm using ext* on my removable
> storage device and I'm plugging it to my laptop for copying some files onto it using dolphin,konqueror,nautilus?

The proper solution is to make the root of the filesystem owned and/or
writable by your user of choice. This is the part you should do after
mkfs'ing, not something HAL can guess and make on its own (otherwise
it would destroy your fs should you connect a regular bootable
installation of linux via USB).

Patryk Zawadzki

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