Strange mounting issue with ext3

Roderich Schupp roderich.schupp at
Tue Apr 7 04:10:44 PDT 2009

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Patryk Zawadzki <patrys at> wrote:
> The proper solution is to make the root of the filesystem owned and/or
> writable by your user of choice. This is the part you should do after

This is the traditional Unix answer. But this predates drives as easily
movable around as an USB stick, because it assumes the user
(1) has an account on every machine she wants to mount the stick on
and (2) this account has the _same_ uid on every machine (because
it's the uid that's stored in the filesystem on the media).

What is needed here is a new mount option: "forget about the
uids on the drive, just pretend any file is owned by the mounting user".

(V)FAT always works that way because - being a non-Unix filesystem -
there are no uids in the filesystem and the Linux kernel must
fake one anyway so that it looks like one.

Cheers, Roderich

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