generic RFKILL support

eye zak eye.zak.devel at
Thu Apr 23 14:13:47 PDT 2009

Hi all,

I am writing rfkill support into the ath5k driver, and I have a
issue/bug. When I remove my module, the rfkill /sys device is removed
but hal leaves it as an orphaned (fields are missing and name is null)
rfkill switches.  I do iterate in number as i remove and add my module
repeatedly (rfkill0,1,2) but that is due to the phy incrementation and
should be unrelated. After several modprobe/rmmod cycles i now have
many unorphaned rfkill devices in hal.  How can I get rid of them, or
is it a bug in HAL?

.fdi support is also missing for a generic rfkill switch (maybe one
big one with exeptions ?) so I had to add one for my specific device.
The changes are not accepted upstream yet so I won't post my file.


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