Changing hal-info to have X friendly key symbols

Matthew Garrett mjg59 at
Wed Feb 4 07:29:08 PST 2009

A couple of these don't seem right:

-            <append key="" type="strlist">e059:info</append>   <!-- I key -->
+            <append key="" type="strlist">e059:setup</append>   <!-- I key (high keycode: "info") -->

What are the expected semantics of the "setup" key? "help" sounds like a 
better choice.

+          <append key="" type="strlist">6b:previoussong</append> <!-- Thottle Down -->
+          <append key="" type="strlist">6d:nextsong</append> <!-- Thottle Up -->

Really doesn't sound right (not that the existing mappings are any 

-          <append key="" type="strlist">0x08a:tv</append>
+          <append key="" type="strlist">0x08a:media</append> <!-- high keycode: "radio" -->

What's the glyph on this key?

-        <append key="" type="strlist">0x17:vendor</append> <!-- ThinkPad/ThinkVantage button -->
+        <append key="" type="strlist">0x17:computer</append> <!-- ThinkPad/ThinkVantage button  (high keycode: "vendor") -->

My recollection is that KEY_COMPUTER maps to the key that would open "My 
computer" on Windows systems. I'm not sure it makes sense to map the 
Thinkvantage key to the same thing.

The others look good, though I'd prefer to see a kernel patch to add a 
KEY_RFKILL and support in rfkill-input to kill all radios in response 
rather than mapping the Thinkpad key to KEY_WLAN.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59 at

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