Seagate faulty drives

Danny Kukawka danny.kukawka at
Wed Jan 21 05:51:51 PST 2009

On Dienstag, 20. Januar 2009, Diego Calleja wrote:
> Tech sites are reporting everywhere a massive flaw in seagate drives that
> can lock up the drive and make it unusable (the bios doesn't detect it, you
> can't read the data). Seagate has ack'ed the problem and firmware updates
> are required:
> So, apparently there're a lot of drives on the market (including mine)
> that can die any day. Here's a preliminary .fdi file (attached) that could
> be included in hal-info to warn users of the problems. I'm not an expert
> in .fdi files so i'd like to know if this is the correct way of writing
> them. It's not complete because seagate still has not been able to diagnose
> in some models which firmwares are affected, but hopefully as soon as
> the data is available this .fdi file can be included in hal-info...

IMO we shouldn't add this via these keys. There is no hardware "recall" for 
those devices. There are only firmware updates. 

And since Seagate has some trouble with the firmware update (they canceled 
some updates for some specific devices AFAIK), we shouldn't put something 
like that to hal-info to prevent getting in trouble with users or Seagate.


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