[HarfBuzz] Text Layout Meeting 2007?

Eric Mader emader at icu-project.org
Fri Mar 16 12:08:42 PDT 2007

Daniel Glassey wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Are we planning to have another meeting this year like we semi-agreed
> at the end of the Boston meeting? You core guys are the important ones
> to decide on this.

I would very much like to attend in person.

> I don't know if would get funding from OSDL again so we may like to
> ask for other sponsorship.

I can't say for sure, but I think it would be difficult to get my 
employer to spring for a trip to Europe, so some sort of sponsorship 
would be a great help.

> I'll suggest the UK since it is where Guadec and aKademy are happening
> this year. Guadec is 15-21 July in Birmingham, aKademy is 29 June - 8
> July in Glasgow.

I have something else on July 14-22, so June probably works better for 
me. There's also a possibility that I'll be doing some other traveling 
in June, but that's still very iffy at this point.

> Regards,
> Daniel


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