[HarfBuzz] Re: Text Layout Meeting 2007?

Sharon_Correll at sil.org Sharon_Correll at sil.org
Mon Mar 26 12:28:36 PDT 2007

Ed Trager wrote on 03/26/2007 10:31:58 AM:
> Here's what my tally of respondants to this thread regarding a 2007
> Text Layout Summit looks like:
> In favor of Glasgow / aKademy / July : Daniel Glassey, Lars Knoll,
> Simon Hausmann, Sharon Correll: 4 people.

Just to clarify, I really don't have any strong preference between Glasgow 
and Cambridge, at least that is worth taking into consideration. Actually 
travel to Cambridge would probably be cheaper than to Glasgow. July is 
definitely a preference, though.

> SHARON CORRELL:  Will SIL consider paying for your attendance?

Yes, our department has some money that I'll be able to use for this. 
Nailing down the dates and venue will help me get a feel for what the 
costs will be compared to the funds available.

To help with that, any idea of the what the lodging costs will be?
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