[HarfBuzz] Harfbuzz version

Behdad Esfahbod behdad at behdad.org
Wed Nov 17 10:49:02 PST 2010

On 11/12/10 16:36, Chris Scaife wrote:
> Thanks for that reply :)
> I did indeed look at using Cairo/Pango but I was really struggling with
> them. A lot of this was due to the integral Unicode bidi algorithm that
> makes it nearly impossible for me to know where any particular character
> is being placed.

Not as much as you make it sound.

> Thus at the low level I want to do a much simpler bidi algorithm with an
> expicit LRE/RLE for every direction change. Indeed I recently did drop
> down to Xft but now having a hard time using it with Gtk and still
> unable to understand how the font is selected e.g. you can see images of
> the problem plotting Chinese and Arabic

I  strongly recommend against making up your own bidi algorithm...


> I suppose the main thing is that it's all good learning experience and
> perhaps when I actually know enough I'll be able to make a genuine
> contribution on the vte widget :) When I got the source code for it a
> while back I got hopelessly lost :(
> On 13 November 2010 10:11, Behdad Esfahbod <behdad at behdad.org
> <mailto:behdad at behdad.org>> wrote:
>     On 11/12/10 15:48, Chris Scaife wrote:
>     > Hello all,
>     Hi Chris, welcome to the list.
>     > I am writing a terminal emulator as an learning experience and would
>     > like to do a comprehensive implementation.
>     Humm.  Being the maintainer of 'vte' myself, may I suggest that you
>     consider
>     studying the vte code and contribute there?  We can use a couple hands.
>     > For compatibility with things
>     > like ncurses I need to have full control of glyph positioning and so I
>     > feel my best option might be to interface the font stack through
>     Harfbuzz.
>     >
>     > Where can I find a Harfbuzz distribution and description of the
>     current
>     > API that I can use with my project please?
>     Unless you want to support Indic, Arabic, etc, it would be easier to
>     just use
>     something like cairo or Xft directly.  If you still rather use
>     HarfBuzz, well,
>     this is the one paragraph summary:
>      http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/harfbuzz/2010-October/000905.html
>     Cheers,
>     behdad
>     > Thanks in advance
>     > Chris

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