[HarfBuzz] Fwd: 'rakar' for cluster സ്പ്ര is not reordered when there is full base conjunct

Rajeesh K Nambiar rajeeshknambiar at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 08:20:50 PST 2013

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Behdad Esfahbod <behdad at behdad.org> wrote:

> This seems to be a font issue with Rachana.  I get the exact same rendering
> with Uniscribe and HarfBuzz (master, not 0.9.13).  That said, I'll debug it
> tomorrow to see why the reordering is not happening.
> It happens with Meera also (I think in general with fonts designed
for mlym specification). We had discussed it on irc some time ago, and the
issue was that "pref Ra" is missing in the font, which in fact is part of
mlm2 specification.

> behdad
> --
> Cheers,
> Rajeesh
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