[HarfBuzz] Thai text render issue in Android L

James Clark jjc at jclark.com
Thu Nov 13 17:01:48 PST 2014

A couple more data points:

- The most authoritative book on Thai font design I know of (
http://ftp.opentle.org/pub/national-fonts/FONTBOOK.PDF) addresses this
issue on page 83. (The illustration shows their recommended solution, which
won't be quite enough for this case, I suspect).  (Also see page 76 for an
illustration showing how to deal with PHINTHU below DO CHADA and TO PATAK.)

- It's common in Thai newspapers headlines (which are set with little
leading) to have a vertically compressed DO CHADA and TO PATAK that do not
extend below the baseline (e.g.
http://www.thairath.co.th/media/IKbPejy4R5wTSf48k65QNeuVpZN.jpg) So one
reasonable solution would be to use such a glyph with a normal SARA U or UU
(similar to what Ed suggested).

I agree with Martin that the current solution looks bizarre.


On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 1:37 AM, Jungshik SHIN (신정식) <jshin1987 at gmail.com>

> IIRC, what's suggested by Ed was one of options we presented to our Thai
> speaking reviewers along with what we currently have in Noto Sans Thai UI
> [1].  Our reviewers preferred the current way of dealing with a vertical
> metric constraint to what Ed suggested (squishing glyphs).
> We'll double check our record.
> Jungshik
> [1] note that 'Noto Sans Thai' (for body/document) does not have this
> issue. It's only 'Noto Sans Thai UI' that had to come up with a "novel"
> solution
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Roozbeh Pournader <roozbeh at google.com>
> wrote:
>> With the latest HarfBuzz and Noto Sans Thai, I'm seeing the result I'm
>> attaching, which appears correct to me (and the same as Android Kitkat
>> result you've attached).
>> But I see the same as what you are seeing on Android Lollipop. So this
>> appears to be a bug somewhere in Android rather than HarfBuzz or Noto Sans.
>> Please file a bug at https://source.android.com/source/report-bugs.html
>> and send us a link to it. Thanks.
>> On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 8:59 AM, Ed Trager <ed.trager at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> To the best of my knowledge, it seems extremely unlikely that U+0E0E
>>> or U+0E38 THAI CHARACTER SARA U for that matter ) appear below it.
>>> I can't think of any Central Thai words that would have that kind of
>>> spelling; and it seems even more unlikely that any of the minority
>>> languages would use DO CHADA at all.
>>> Therefore, it seems very likely that the font designers did not specify
>>> an anchoring position point for SARA U or SARA UU appearing below
>>> consonants such as DO CHADA or U+0E0F THAI CHARACTER TO PATAK.
>>> - Ed
>>> On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 10:16 PM, Nguyễn Đức An <annd1985 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Harfbuzz developers,
>>>> We have an issue with Thai text render in Android L. When input U+0E0E
>>>> and U+0E39, it displays wrong (please see the attach screen).
>>>> I checked Thai Noto font (Google font) and Samsung Thai (Samsung font),
>>>> issue happens with both of them.
>>>> As i read the source of Harfbuzz, Thai reshaping only does separate
>>>> SARA AM to NIKHAHIT & SARAA. So maybe the problem is not came from Harfbuzz.
>>>> Any help is welcome.
>>>> Thank you.
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