[igt-dev] [PATCH 3/3] kms_cursor_legacy: modeset-atomic-cursor-hotspot

Albert Esteve aesteve at redhat.com
Fri Jul 21 13:04:58 UTC 2023

Add a test for modesetting an atomic cursor plane
hotspot property. The test first checks if the
plane is atomic and has the hotspot property.
and if it does, it sets different random hot_x
and hot_y values and checks that it is updated
correctly after an atomic commit.

Signed-off-by: Albert Esteve <aesteve at redhat.com>
 tests/kms_cursor_legacy.c | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 75 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/kms_cursor_legacy.c b/tests/kms_cursor_legacy.c
index 1ebac9d31..38258ed8d 100644
--- a/tests/kms_cursor_legacy.c
+++ b/tests/kms_cursor_legacy.c
@@ -1607,6 +1607,70 @@ static void flip_vs_cursor_busy_crc(igt_display_t *display, bool atomic)
+static void modeset_atomic_cursot_hotspot(igt_display_t *display)
+	struct igt_fb cursor_fb;
+	igt_output_t *output;
+	enum pipe pipe;
+	igt_plane_t *cursor = NULL;
+	bool has_hotspot_prop;
+	uint64_t width, height;
+	uint32_t hot_x, hot_y, prev_hot_x, prev_hot_y;
+	igt_require(display->is_atomic);
+	pipe = find_connected_pipe(display, false, &output);
+	igt_require(output);
+	igt_info("Using pipe %s & %s\n",
+		 kmstest_pipe_name(pipe), igt_output_name(output));
+	width = height = 64;
+	igt_create_color_fb(display->drm_fd, width, height, DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888,
+			    DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR, 1., 1., 1., &cursor_fb);
+	igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+	cursor = set_cursor_on_pipe(display, pipe, &cursor_fb);
+	has_hotspot_prop = cursor->props[IGT_PLANE_HOTSPOT_X] ||
+		cursor->props[IGT_PLANE_HOTSPOT_Y];
+	igt_require_f(has_hotspot_prop, "Cursor plane lacks the hotspot property");
+	/*
+	 * Change the hotspot coordinates randomly and check that the property
+	 * is updated accordingly.
+	 */
+	srand(time(NULL));
+	for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
+		hot_x = rand() % width;
+		hot_y = rand() % height;
+		prev_hot_x = igt_plane_get_prop(cursor, IGT_PLANE_HOTSPOT_X);
+		prev_hot_y = igt_plane_get_prop(cursor, IGT_PLANE_HOTSPOT_Y);
+		igt_debug("Update cursor hotspot: (%d, %d)\n", hot_x, hot_y);
+		/* Set cursor hotspot property values */
+		igt_output_set_prop_value(cursor, IGT_PLANE_HOTSPOT_X, hot_x);
+		igt_output_set_prop_value(cursor, IGT_PLANE_HOTSPOT_Y, hot_y);
+		/* Properties are not updated until the commit */
+		igt_assert_eq(igt_plane_get_prop(cursor, IGT_PLANE_HOTSPOT_X), prev_hot_x);
+		igt_assert_eq(igt_plane_get_prop(cursor, IGT_PLANE_HOTSPOT_Y), prev_hot_y);
+		igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+		/* After the commit, the cursor hotspot property values are updated */
+		igt_assert_eq(igt_plane_get_prop(cursor, IGT_PLANE_HOTSPOT_X), hot_x);
+		igt_assert_eq(igt_plane_get_prop(cursor, IGT_PLANE_HOTSPOT_Y), hot_y);
+	}
+	/* Clean-up */
+	igt_plane_set_fb(cursor, NULL);
+	igt_output_set_pipe(output, PIPE_NONE);
+	igt_display_commit2(display, COMMIT_ATOMIC);
+	igt_remove_fb(display->drm_fd, &cursor_fb);
 	const int ncpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
@@ -1681,6 +1745,17 @@ igt_main
 			nonblocking_modeset_vs_cursor(&display, 16);
+	igt_describe("Test changes the cursor hotspot and checks that the "
+		      "property is updated accordignly");
+	igt_subtest_group {
+		igt_fixture {
+			igt_display_require_output(&display);
+		}
+		igt_subtest("modeset-atomic-cursor-hotspot")
+			modeset_atomic_cursot_hotspot(&display);
+	}
 	igt_describe("This test executes flips on both CRTCs "
 		     "while running cursor updates in parallel");
 	igt_subtest_group {

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