evtest csv formatted output patch

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at who-t.net
Wed Mar 3 21:43:10 UTC 2021

On Wed, Mar 03, 2021 at 11:32:51AM -0800, Harry Cutts wrote:
> You seem to have forgotten the attachment (though it's probably easier for
> the reviewers if you create a merge request on GitLab; I'll see about
> updating the README).
> However, this sounds like something better handled with evemu
> <https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Evemu/> (specifically the evemu-record
> command), which is designed for machine-readable output (as opposed to
> evtest, which is focused on being human-readable).

fwiw, I'd suggest using `libinput record` for this. it's output is
effectively the same content as evemu (plus more) and it's YAML so it's
easier to parse. In fact, it was written as an evemu replacement.

At this point the only reason to use evtest is if you need a single-file
debugging tool that's easily compiled on a machine you can't really install
anything but a compiler.


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