[Bug 93601] Rain and insects are not rendered in Shadow of Mordor with Intel Mesa driver

bugzilla-daemon at freedesktop.org bugzilla-daemon at freedesktop.org
Wed Jan 13 12:52:36 PST 2016


--- Comment #1 from Darius Spitznagel <d.spitznagel at goodbytez.de> ---
Hello Kenneth,

maybe you didn't know but your commit
fixed missing rain and insects and some more I wasn't aware of!

The downside is, that the rain rendering eats around 66% (on my system) of the
performance compared to without rain.

Luckily SoM has a preferences file
(.local/share/feral-interactive/ShadowOfMordor/preferences) where many effects
can be en- or disabled!

For example...
<value name="DisableEmitRainCompute" type="integer">1</value>
<value name="DisableSimRainCompute" type="integer">1</value>
...restores my 66% of performance.

GL_ARB_compute_shader support in mesa/i965 is very new. I'm sure it will
improve by time.
I'm very happy that SoM renders now how it should:)


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