[Intel-gfx] i965: aperture fixes 59b2c2adb cause lockups in foobillard at startup

Alan W. Irwin irwin at beluga.phys.uvic.ca
Tue Nov 4 19:32:50 CET 2008

Hi Keith:

Your report reminded me of
http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14464. There, foobillard is in
the mix as well, but the g33 lockups never occurred while foobillard was
actually executing.  So I have been dismissive of the possibility that
foobillard (the only DRI application that I run) could be involved, but
since I turned DRI off (and thus quit playing foobillard which needs DRI)
results appear to be perfect so far. Here is the summary of recent tests
that weren't terminated due to other factors (such as power outages):

2008-08-18: lockup after ~6 hours
2008-09-02: lockup after 15 days
2008-09-27: lockup after 18 days
2008-09-30: lockup after 3 days

All the above were with DRI turned on.  My current test with DRI turned off
is still continuing after 23 days without a lockup which is significantly
longer than any of the above intervals.  So it is not a sure thing yet (I
could get a lockup in the next minute), but it is beginning to appear that
foobillard and DRI may be the (indirect) cause of the above lockup problems
for my g33.

Eric Anholt's patch obviously did not cause any of the above grief (it's
date is 2008-10-24, and in any case after that date it is unlikely to have
propagated so quickly to my Debian unstable X environment I am using for the
above tests).  However, please keep the possibility in mind when
investigating Eric's patch, that it may simply remove something that was
largely obscuring the more general problem that I am seeing.

Hope this speculation is helpful and not a side track.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting software
package (plplot.org); the libLASi project (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of
Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science
-------------- next part --------------
While doing a bunch of irq work, I was testing random programs against

mesa master and found that foobillard (debian unstable version) was

locking up on my GM45 laptop. I bisected and found that this patch was

causing the trouble. I haven't looked to try and figure out what's going


commit 59b2c2adbbece27ccf54e58b598ea29cb3a5aa85

Author: Eric Anholt <eric at anholt.net>

Date:   Fri Oct 24 13:02:21 2008 -0700

    i965: Fix check_aperture calls to cover everything needed for the prim 

at once.


    Previously, since my check_aperture API change, we would check each pie

ce of

    state against the batchbuffer individually, but not all the state again

st the

    batchbuffer at once.  In addition to not being terribly useful in assur


    success, it probably also increased CPU load by calling check_aperture 


    times per primitive.


keith.packard at intel.com

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