[Intel-gfx] GEM fails on 855GM

RĂ©mi Cardona remi at gentoo.org
Sat Oct 11 15:07:48 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I'm currently prepping Gentoo's packages for GEM bits and I can't get 
things to work on my 855GM laptop.

I currently have dri2proto, mesa, xf86-video-intel and libdrm, all from 
their master branches and Eric's intel-drm branch for the kernel.

Now I'm still not 100% sure I built everything correctly (especially the 
kernel, there were new options about MTRR which were total gibberish to me).

The system boots correctly but when X starts, the screen flickers and 
then I'm back to VT1. Here's the end of Xorg.0.log (the full log is 
attached along with dmesg output)

(II) intel(0): xf86BindGARTMemory: bind key 5 at 0x03bff000 (pgoffset 15359)
(EE) intel(0): Failed to pin back buffer: Cannot allocate memory

Fatal server error:
Couldn't bind memory for BO back buffer

If I go back to a non-GEM kernel (2.6.26), everything works as usual, so 
at least the fallback seems to work correctly.

Any ideas?

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