[Intel-gfx] Console framebuffer support.

Raúl Sánchez Siles rasasi78 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 00:00:12 CET 2009


  I'm interested in being able to use console in framebuffer mode as opposed 
to regular text (80x25) mode. There are several reasons, maybe the most 
important is that 25 text lines is far little to get enough hacking 

  AFAIK, and please correct me if I'm wrong, frame buffer in console is an 
unsupported feature. This means than you may rise into problems if you try to 
use vesafb or intelfb driver at the same time as intel xorg driver. This is 
also true for latest Linux kernel or Xorg releases.

  I myself have run into trouble recently when upgrading to 2.5 xorg driver 
branch, but as a exception I've used vesafb without trouble so far (2.3 and 
2.4 branches)

  My questions are:
  · Is indeed any kind of console frame buffer driver is supported currently
  · What are the possibilities if you want to run frame buffer on console
  · Is/are any of them expected to be supported

  I would also appreciate pointer to any related information source.

  Thanks and Regards,

     Raúl Sánchez Siles
----->Proud Debian user<-----
Linux registered user #416098
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