[Intel-gfx] xorg-video-intel 2.6 with Xserver 1.5

Tino Keitel tino.keitel+xorg at tikei.de
Tue Jan 20 08:11:58 CET 2009


what can I expect with the driver version 2.6 and Xserver 1.5.3? The
release info page states that an Xserver from git is recommended (not
required), and I had no luck regarding 3D with kernel 2.6.29-rc2,
libdrm 2.4.3 and Mesa from the intel-2008-q4 branch and Xserver 1.5.3. 
glxinfo reports direct rendering. 

However, all 3D apps are slow like software rendering.  I tried
googleearth, neverball and quake3.  glxgears shows ~390 FPS, I think it
was multiple of that with previous driver versions.  I have UXA enabled
and everything else (video playback, some compositing in Xfce) works
fine.  I see no errors or warnings in the Xorg or kernel log.  The
hardware is a i945GM chipset.


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