[Intel-gfx] [ANNOUNCE] xf86-video-intel 2.8.0

Hanno Böck hanno at hboeck.de
Tue Jul 21 10:06:30 CEST 2009

Hi Carl, hi rest,

Sorry if this may sound like a rant, but I'm really quite disappointed with 
the amount of problems I have with current intel drivers.

Carl, you recently wrote a blog entry saying that people have the impression 
intel drivers are getting worse and encouraged people to write bugs.

You also said (quote) "File good bug reports and please make use of 
the "regression" keyword as appropriate. We pay attention to that".

Well, I tried that. The thing is: I think I'm just getting ignored and nobody 
is paying attention. I just wanna highlight one issue:

I just get a black screen with fullscreen GL apps with the new stable release 
driver. It's not that this is some minor issue, it's a major regression. And 
you just made a new "stable" release. Is it a surprise that people get the 
impression the driver is getting worse and worse?

Yes, I know I could probably try to add more information to my bugs. The thing 
is, I don't feel motivated, because I don't know if anyone is reading my bugs 
at all. If some would ask me "yeah, can you try xy, give us information foo, 
so we can spot the problem better", I'd happily do that.


Hanno Böck		Blog:		http://www.hboeck.de/
GPG: 3DBD3B20		Jabber/Mail:	hanno at hboeck.de

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