[Intel-gfx] [ANNOUNCE] xf86-video-intel 2.8.0

Colin Guthrie intel at colin.guthr.ie
Tue Jul 21 10:19:48 CEST 2009


'Twas brillig, and Hanno Böck at 21/07/09 09:06 did gyre and gimble:
> Sorry if this may sound like a rant, but I'm really quite disappointed with 
> the amount of problems I have with current intel drivers.

Just to be a little positive too, I've been seeing continued improvement 
with the intel driver.

The low point about 4-5 months back was crap. Don't think anyone will 
disagree but since then I've seen things just get better and better.

It's much harder now to stay on top of things, what with always 
requiring the latest kernel and such like, but once you get used to 
that, things really seem to be moving fast.

So contrary to Hanno's experience (which I'm sure is perfectly valid - I 
don't want to sound like I'm ignoring the fact he's found a problem that 
needs addressed!), I say KUTGW!



|     Colin Guthrie      |
| http://colin.guthr.ie/ |

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