[Intel-gfx] Work-around wanted for laptop i3-330 1366x768 video

Felix Miata mrmazda at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 11 04:43:12 CET 2010

On 2010/02/10 18:06 (GMT-0800) Barry Zuckerman composed:

> Everything else
> on the i3-330 runs just fine on SuSE Enterprise 11, EXCEPT the video.

Right. Chip-specific video drivers for the latest hardware aren't totally
independent of kernel support. AFAICT, drivers for the latest hardware will
never get support for older kernels when the bits the drivers depend on just
didn't exist in those older kernels.

> I'm not asking how to run it with a new kernel.  I'm looking to run the
> X stuff with a modified xorg.conf file, or possibly with a recompiled
> FBDEV to accomodate the 1366x768 resolution, etc.

I suspect if it's possible to enable support for uncommon, or any, widescreen
modes under FBDEV or VESA, that this is the wrong forum to be asking for help.

> But, on the same
> fully supported OS (Linux from SuSE), not some kernel.org uncertified
> version.

> Does anyone else have any ideas?

A suggestion to use a newer kernel does not imply getting one directly from
kernel.org. If you look on http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Kernel
you'll find a lot of newer kernels from Novell you could try. Asking on the
opensuse-factory list would likely get you a good recommendation on a
starting point for dealing with your particular problem, and maybe a full
solution or workaround.
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 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

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