[Intel-gfx] How can I set non-60Hz-Modes?

Ian Pilcher arequipeno at gmail.com
Sat Aug 6 03:23:33 CEST 2011

On 08/05/2011 11:25 AM, Dexter Filmore wrote:
> I used to do that with the nvidia tool on nv, but now I'm a little stuck:
> No matter what I do X comes up at 60 Hz. I need to do 50 tho so the attached 
> plasma tv doubles it to 100 (at 60 it flickers, plus pulldown problems)

You should be able to use cvt to generate the modeline you need.  Then
you can use xrandr --newmode to add it, xrandr --addmode to associate it
with the appropriate output, and then use xrandr to set the mode.

I've successfully used this technique when my laptop is connected to a
projector through a long VGA cable (and possible a switch/splitter) that
prevents it from reading the EDID info.

Ian Pilcher                                         arequipeno at gmail.com
"If you're going to shift my paradigm ... at least buy me dinner first."

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