[Intel-gfx] How can I set non-60Hz-Modes?

Dexter Filmore Dexter.Filmore at gmx.de
Sat Aug 6 04:48:34 CEST 2011

That's what I do now. Thing is, the same TV provided EDID to an nvidia before 
and there I could use the settings tool to tweak these things.
I'd like the machien to go 50Hz at login tho. 
I can tinker a script, but this just does not seem to be working as supposed.


On Saturday 06 August 2011 03:23:33 Ian Pilcher wrote:
> On 08/05/2011 11:25 AM, Dexter Filmore wrote:
> > I used to do that with the nvidia tool on nv, but now I'm a little stuck:
> > No matter what I do X comes up at 60 Hz. I need to do 50 tho so the
> > attached plasma tv doubles it to 100 (at 60 it flickers, plus pulldown
> > problems)
> You should be able to use cvt to generate the modeline you need.  Then
> you can use xrandr --newmode to add it, xrandr --addmode to associate it
> with the appropriate output, and then use xrandr to set the mode.
> I've successfully used this technique when my laptop is connected to a
> projector through a long VGA cable (and possible a switch/splitter) that
> prevents it from reading the EDID info.

Version: 3.12
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