[Intel-gfx] [PATCH] drm, drm/i915/lvds: Honour video= parameter to override LVDS fixed mode

Steven Newbury steve at snewbury.org.uk
Tue Mar 29 12:50:42 CEST 2011

----- Original message -----
> On Mon, 28 Mar 2011 22:46:55 +0100, Steven Newbury
> <steve at snewbury.org.uk> wrote:
> > Hi Chris, have you updated this patch? I have an Intel D525 (Pineview)
> > system with HDMI port connected through an LVDS converter.   The "panel
> > timings" are the HDMI output mode, and it gets set through a BIOS
> > option making it impossible to use the native resolution on the HDTV
> > display.
> Can you please attach the EDID for the connection and let's see if there
> is any tell-tale?

Unfortunately EDID doesn't seem to be making it through. /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card0/card0-LVDS-1/edid is empty so I tried read-edid, but it reported "Monitor and video card combination does not support DDC1/2 transfers".  EDID was present using VGA-DVI so the TV does support EDID. (Although it didn't actually support the modes it claimed to when it determined it was connected to a PC!)

I've attached dmidecode output in case it helps.
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