[Intel-gfx] [PATCH v4 1/1] i915_pm_rpm: remove gem-execbuf-stress-extra-wait because same as gem-execbuf-stress

Chris Wilson chris at chris-wilson.co.uk
Tue Mar 19 16:36:53 UTC 2019

Quoting Caz Yokoyama (2019-03-19 16:25:29)
> Extra 5sec delay does not add any value more than gem-execbuf-stress.
> It waits until suspend state after a job is added by gem_execbuf().
> There is no need to do more when GPU becomes suspended state.
> I confirm this by looking at pm_runtime_force_suspend() which exits
> on suspend state.

I agree that from the driver point of view, there is no difference. But
from a hardware? Does that justify an extra level of paranoia? Probably.
So what harm is there that we have a test for that extra level of
paranoia for the developer to run? i.e. why run this test unless you
want to check, and if you aren't running it, where's the cost?

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