[PATCH v7 02/14] drm: Define ImageEnhancemenT LUT structures exposed to user

Dmitry Baryshkov dmitry.baryshkov at linaro.org
Wed Jan 15 19:55:10 UTC 2025

On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 01:15:30AM +0530, Arun R Murthy wrote:
> ImageEnhancemenT(IET) hardware interpolates the LUT value to generate
> the enhanced output image. LUT takes an input value, outputs a new
> value based on the data within the LUT. 1D LUT can remap individual
> input values to new output values based on the LUT sample. LUT can be
> interpolated by the hardware by multiple modes Ex: Direct Lookup LUT,
> Multiplicative LUT etc
> The list of supported mode by hardware along with the format(exponent
> mantissa) is exposed to user by the iet_lut_caps property. Maximum
> format being 8.24 i.e 8 exponent and 24 mantissa.
> For illustration a hardware supporting 1.9 format denotes this as
> 0x10001FF. In order to know the exponent do a bitwise AND with
> 0xF000000. The LUT value to be provided by user would be a 10bit value
> with 1 bit integer and 9 bit fractional value.
> Multiple formats can be supported, hence pointer is used over here.
> User can then provide the LUT with any one of the supported modes in
> any of the supported formats.
> The entries in the LUT can vary depending on the hardware capability
> with max being 255. This will also be exposed as iet_lut_caps so user
> can generate a LUT with the specified entries.
> Signed-off-by: Arun R Murthy <arun.r.murthy at intel.com>
> ---
>  include/uapi/drm/drm_mode.h | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 50 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/include/uapi/drm/drm_mode.h b/include/uapi/drm/drm_mode.h
> index 7a7039381142bb5dba269bdaec42c18be34e2d05..056c2efef1589848034afc0089f1838c2547bcf8 100644
> --- a/include/uapi/drm/drm_mode.h
> +++ b/include/uapi/drm/drm_mode.h
> @@ -1367,6 +1367,17 @@ struct drm_mode_closefb {
>   */
>  #define DRM_MODE_HISTOGRAM_HSV_MAX_RGB			(1 << 0)
> +/* LUT values are points on exponential graph with x axis and y-axis y=f(x) */


> +#define DRM_MODE_IET_LOOKUP_LUT				(1 << 0)

Again, what is the reason for a shift? Can these values be OR'd?

> +/*
> + * LUT values, points on negative exponential graph with x-axis and y-axis
> + * y = y/x so upon multiplying x, y is obtained, hence multiplicative. The

Can't parse this sentence.

> + * format of LUT can at max be 8.24(8integer 24 fractional) represented by
> + * u32. Depending on the hardware capability and exponent mantissa can be
> + * chosen.

What does that mean? How is it choosen?

> + */
> +#define DRM_MODE_IET_MULTIPLICATIVE			(1 << 1)
> +
>  /**
>   * struct drm_histogram_caps
>   *
> @@ -1414,6 +1425,45 @@ struct drm_histogram {
>  	__u32 nr_elements;
>  };
> +/**
> + * struct drm_iet_caps
> + *
> + * @iet_mode: pixel factor enhancement modes defined in the above macros
> + * @iet_sample_format: holds the address of an array of u32 LUT sample formats
> + *		       depending on the hardware capability. Max being 8.24
> + *		       Doing a bitwise AND will get the present sample.
> + *		       Ex: for 1 integer 9 fraction AND with 0x10001FF

?? Can hardware support 16.16? 32.0?

> + * @nr_iet_sample_formats: number of iet_sample_formsts supported by the
> + *			   hardware
> + * @nr_iet_lut_entries: number of LUT entries
> + */
> +struct drm_iet_caps {
> +	__u8 iet_mode;
> +	u64 iet_sample_format;
> +	__u32 nr_iet_sample_formats;
> +	__u32 nr_iet_lut_entries;
> +};
> +
> +/**
> + * struct drm_iet_1dlut_sample

Is it supposed to be used with DRM_MODE_IET_MULTIPLICATIVE only? Or is
it supposed to be used with DRM_MODE_IET_LOOKUP_LUT? In the latter case
what should be the iet_format value?

> + * @iet_mode: image enhancement mode, this will also convey the channel.
> + * @iet_format: LUT exponent and mantissa format, max being 8.24
> + * @data_ptr: pointer to the array of values which is of type u32.
> + *	      1 channel: 10 bit corrected value and remaining bits are reserved.
> + *	      multi channel: pointer to struct drm_color_lut
> + * @nr_elements: number of entries pointed by the data @data_ptr
> + * @reserved: reserved for future use
> + * @reserved1: reserved for future use
> + */
> +struct drm_iet_1dlut_sample {
> +	__u8 iet_mode;
> +	__u32 iet_format;
> +	__u64 data_ptr;
> +	__u32 nr_elements;
> +	__u32 reserved;
> +	__u32 reserved1;
> +};
> +
>  #if defined(__cplusplus)
>  }
>  #endif
> -- 
> 2.25.1

With best wishes

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