[LDTP-Dev] How could I solve this problem?

姜国伟 jianggw at bsw.net.cn
Wed Nov 16 23:22:38 PST 2005

  Hi Premkumar,Nags

  According to your advice,I hava cross checked it.From python prompt,I input  the following command one by one,
  from ldtp import *
  from ldtputils import *
  import sys, string, os, commands, time, filecmp

  initappmap ('nautilus.map')
  launchapp ('nautilus')

  it is successful in Suse9.3,and failed in my co-create linux.

  in my co-create linxu,error happened:
  >>> from ldtp import *
  >>> from ldtputils import *
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ldtputils.py", line 31, in ?
      log ('Python-Imaging package not installed', 'error')
  NameError: name 'log' is not defined

  Hi Nags/Victor,

  I checked the ldtputils.py file and there is a line "import ldtp". So I am not sure why Victor encountred such error.I am afraid ldtp.so file available in Victor's comp is not proper. To cross check it, Victor can try some sample ldtp commands like initappmap, click etc., from python prompt. If "from ldtp import *", works from python prompt then it means things are fine. lets us wait for Victor to try this.

  Premkumar J

  On 11/17/05, Nagappan <anagappan at novell.com> wrote:
    Hi Victor,
        Looks like this line is missing in the script 'from ldtp import *' ?
    Python imaging is required only when you are planing to compare two
    images. If you are not planing to use that functionality you can just 
    ignore the message.


    姜国伟 wrote:
    >         Thanks!
    >         The two files ldtp.so and ldtputils.py just in the right
    >         place"/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages".But when I input the 
    >         command 'python nautilus.py',it uses python2.3(there are two
    >         pythons in my linux).So I use the command '/usr/bin/python2.4
    >         nautilus.py'this time,new error happended:
    >         Traceback (most recent call last):
    >           File "nautilus.py", line 4, in ?
    >             from ldtputils import *
    >           File '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ldtputils.py" ,line 
    >         31,in ?
    >             log('Python-Imaging package not installed','error')
    >           NameError: name 'log' is not defined
    >          Should I install the package'Python-Imaging'?On suse9.3 there
    >         isn't so much trouble.
    >         Victor Jiang
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    Nagappan A <anagappan at novell.com>
    Novell Software Development (I) Pvt. Ltd.
    Linux Desktop Testing Project - http://gnomebangalore.org/ldtp/index.php/Main_Page

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