[LDTP-Dev] Appmap cannot map the gpdf scroll bar anymore

Mauricio Lin mauriciolin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 15:11:55 PST 2006

Hi all,

I have been running my old script for gpdf and an error is happening as:

scrolldown('frmadvanced-linux-programming', 'scbr0')
ldtp.error: Unable to get object handle scbr0

This error was not happening before. So I checked my old map file and the
'scbr0' is defined there


After trying to make it runs correctly many times I decided to generate a
new map file. Checking the new map file I noticed that appmap is not
generating the scroll_bar anymore for gpdf.
Even at-poke cannot detect the scroll bar. I remember when I was writing the
gpdf script I was using an old version of appmap to generate the map file.

Is it a bug on the new appmap?

You can try to open a pdf file and make the vertical scroll bar appears in
the gpdf application. Afterward try to map the gpdf file and verify if
appmap is generating the corresponding scroll bar.


Mauricio Lin.
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