[LDTP-Dev] automate firefox printing - unable to get the child menu item
Aclhk Aclhk
aclhkaclhk at ymail.com
Fri Apr 24 02:21:56 PDT 2009
I have installed ldtp in centos 5.1 successfully.
I would like to use command step-by-step to print.
#firefox www.google.com&
>>> from ldtp import *
>>> from ldtputils import *
>>> getwindowlist()
[u'frmGoogle-MozillaFirefox', u'frmroot at localhost:~/ldtp']
>>> selectmenuitem('frm*fox', 'mnuFile;mnuNewTab')
>>> selectmenuitem('frm*fox', 'mnuFile;mnuPrint')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ldtp.py", line 669, in selectmenuitem raise LdtpExecutionError (_responseStatus [1])
ldtplib.ldtplibutils.LdtpExecutionError: u'Unable to get the child menu item'
Pls kindly advise.
Best Rgds,
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