[LDTP-Dev] ldtprunner not so robust?

tac Junyuan.Tan at Sun.COM
Thu Feb 19 05:27:37 PST 2009

Nagappan A wrote:
> Hi Tac,
> tac wrote:
>> Hi lists,
>>         Recently using the ldtprunner to startup some test suites.
>> Find it is much powerful a tool : )
>>        Still I find some seemingly like problems with it:
>>         1. the test suite path providing for ldtprunner to find the 
>> test_suite_xml file
>>  shouldn't have any "../" kind of thing in it, in which case 
>> ldtprunner just omits  it. This
>> prevents me from executing the gnome-desktop-testing cases directly 
>> in case you may
>> know that project in Gnome : )
> I tried this scenario. If the .py file doesn't exist in the current 
> directory, the testcase will fail, as it can't find the .py file. 
> Anyways attached a fix, could you please try this ?
>>        2.  Even  if  "ldtp-daemon" wasn't started  in  background,  
>> ldtprunner  wouldn't
>> give any complaints and just  quit quietly.  Though  it  may  be  
>> able to check through
>> log file, but I just suggested ldtprunner could give more warnings 
>> that may sound
>> friendly to user ?
    This ldtprunner patch fix both the two problems, so far I don't meet 
trouble with the patched ldtprunner.

Great, Thanks!


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