[LDTP-Dev] Windows Vistat : getWindownList OK, but guiExist KO.

Nagappan Alagappan nagappan at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 09:21:16 PDT 2012

Hi Philippe,

I guess the API syntax you are using is incorrect, you have to use this
[1], rather than [2].

Same applies to waitTillGuiExist. Not sure, why it waits for infinite, as
the default wait time is 30 seconds.


[1] -
[2] -

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 3:55 PM, phlinux <philippe.legay at keynectis.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> I am new with Ldtp, but the tools seems to be very interresting. I am
> working on windows (seven) with Java.
> I do a getWindowsList() : OK. From this list, I get an window item.
> guiExist() will return false for this item,
> but getObjectList on this item is OK. The documentation "How to enable the
> accessibility" explains what to do for Gnome, not for Windows.
> In fact, in real life, the list[1] windows will not present at start time,
> but few seconds later. So I need to wait for this windows. But if exist
> does
> not work, when the windows is here, this will explain why the
> waiTilGuiExist does not work.
> I do not understand why list, access are OK, but exist fails.
> Have you ideas, pointers, solutions ?
> Thanks,
> ==== The code ======
>        Ldtp l = new Ldtp("frmWebDriver - Windows Internet Explorer") ;
>        list = l.getWindowList() ;
>        for (int i = 0 ; i < list.length ; i ++) {
> System.out.println("Windowlist ["+i+"] = "+list[i]) ; }
> === Output ===
> Windowlist [0] = frmWebDriver - Windows Internet Explorer
> Windowlist [1] = dlgWindows Security
> Windowlist [2] = pane
> Windowlist [3] = pane0
> ....
> ==============
>        System.out.println("Exist "+l.guiExist("*"+list[1]+"*")) ;
> === Output ===
> 0
> ===============
>        Ldtp certif = new Ldtp(list[1]) ;
>        list = certif.getObjectList() ;
>        for (int i = 0 ; i < list.length ; i ++) {
> System.out.println("Object ["+i+"] = "+list[i]) ; }
> === Output ===
> Object [0] = paneWindowsSecurity
> Object [1] = pane1
> Object [2] = btnOK
> ....
> ===============
>      l.waitTillGuiExist(list[1]) ;  // Infinite Wait !
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://old.nabble.com/Windows-Vistat-%3A-getWindownList-OK%2C-but-guiExist-KO.-tp34575303p34575303.html
> Sent from the Free Desktop - LDTP mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Cross platform GUI testing
Linux Desktop (GUI Application) Testing Project -
Cobra - Windows GUI Automation tool - https://github.com/ldtp/cobra
ATOMac - Mac GUI Automation tool - https://github.com/pyatom/pyatom
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