[Libburn] libisofs patch

Todd Kulesza todd@dropline.net
Fri, 06 Feb 2004 19:56:17 -0500

On Fri, 2004-02-06 at 16:33, Ben Jansens wrote:

> I'm trying to find the 1-sector buffer that the comment claims exist. You
> seem to be adding 2 sectors for the L path table, and 2 for the M, which
> would leave a blank after each one (which is needed iirc). But I don't see
> any extra sectors before the L path table. Is it actually there, or is this a
> phantom comment?

The second sectors of the L and M tables are the buffers the comment
refers to.

> A side note on conventions: We're using /* XXX foo */ for todo's in the code
> instead of /* FIXME: foo */.

No problem :)
