[Libburn] Testing script

Joe Neeman neeman at webone.com.au
Mon Aug 15 15:12:33 PDT 2005

Derek Foreman wrote:

> I put this into the existing "test" directory, and have merged most of 
> your other patches, but I think I may have missed something because 
> there's now a bunch of undefined references when compiling 
> libisofs/test.c
Did you re-bootstrap and configure? I added a new source file in one of 
the patches so the Makefiles need to be regenerated. I've just done a 
clean CVS checkout and it builds OK for me.

> I've put your test scripts into the test dir, but I haven't committed 
> your test data files/directories (because when I tried to use find 
> -exec to commit them all, cvs DELETE STUFF... wtf?)  Perhaps a script 
> to auto generate that stuff would be better anyway?

I've only had a quick look, but the only thing that seems to be missing 
is the two files with long but similar names. It's not terribly 
important anyway since it's so easy just to recreate it in a script like 
you said.


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