[Libburn] Project revival

Mario Đanić mario.danic at gmail.com
Mon Jul 31 05:50:23 PDT 2006

On 7/31/06, scdbackup at gmx.net <scdbackup at gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> > the project has been revived and now lies at libburn.pykix.org
> > Please post bugs, ask for enchantments/features, etc. :)
> Well, libburn could need some increased agility, that much
> is true.
> > As far as I could understand, the commits stopped two year ago,
> > and nothing was happening on the libburn front since then.
> There have been changes and enhancements in the beginning
> of this year (2006). My own project cdrskin currently uses
> a privately forked libburn-0.1.2 or a libburn-0.1.3 from CVS
> of february 2006 (with still one private enhancement, sigh).
> So it is not dead ... only very slow.
> Hopefully some of the maintainers will notice your announcement
> and a fruitful discussion can emerge.

I would hope the same...

> I really don't see this as a forking :)
> > We will continue with current codebase, and continue the things that
> > were started, nothing else :)
> It will be a fork as soon as the traditional maintainers
> make a change on their own version.
> So in order to be not a fork, it would need coordination.
> Being an involuntary libburn forker myself, i can hardly speak
> against a fork in general. Nevertheless, i do express my support
> for having a unified and stable API and for rejoining the forks
> into a common version from time to time.
> I myself do not strive for participating in the inner development
> of libburn but am mainly interested in getting the needs of
> cdrskin into a stable version of libburn. (There are two pending:
> my whitelist patch and my wish to burn on-the-fly with data
> read from stdin and no need to announce the track size in advance.)
> What are your plans about the next enhancement steps ?
> Would it be possible to expose a tarball with a snapshot of
> the current state of libburn.pykix.org ?
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas
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