[Libdlo] would like some advise about the sustainability of the libdlo project

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at powercraft.nl
Sun Jan 3 10:50:45 PST 2010

Phil Endecott wrote, on 02-01-10 22:08:
> Jelle de Jong wrote:
>> I am considering buying a Lenovo USB-to-DVI Monitor Adapter
>> I am using Debian stable systems as reference point.
>> Having to compiling and installing code is an no go.
> This is not the device for you, then.  Not yet anyway.

Thank you for your advice.

> I am, however, curious to hear why you reject the idea of compiling and 
> installing something.  "wget; tar xzf; make; make install" is not very 
> much more typing than "apt-get install".

I am often trying out devices to see if they can suite the need for my
customers. I personally can live with compiling stuff, however if you
need something to stay fully up-to-date and working semi automatic,
then having custom compiled code is a real blocker. Having to create
separate kernel module packages is also a no-go, these are the things
that always stay behind and break by every security release of a
kernel or xorg.

The F/OSS development and packaging system has a major advantage when
everything is released upstream and packaged together with the
distribution systems. Everything needed to make hardware work can be
one package install away and can stay up-to-date and working for a
very long time. (install once, use forever)

I went trough the same cycles with USB DVB-T devices, got around 10
lying here (also analogue hybrids). I now have plug-and-play devices
that sadly still need a one time install device firmware but stay
working after it.

I am hoping for a situation where displaylink device have the same or
better usability. If the displaylink device are supported by Debian or
Ubuntu I am always welcome to buy displaylink devices and test them.

Kind regards,


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