[Libdlo] xorg 1.9 crash

Christoph Rissner c.r at visotech.at
Thu Oct 14 01:16:11 PDT 2010

Hi Bernie.

On 10/13/2010 09:32 PM, Bernie Thompson wrote:
> So - long story short - Linux doesn't have support for multiple PCI
> graphics cards the way Windows does (and of course a mix of PCI and
> USB "GPUs" adds extra issues).  The plumbing isn't there for this, and
> it's not clear if anyone is really pushing the ball forward ...

thanks for the explanation.
Honestly, I don't think all (closed source) vendors will come up with 
some USB display integration. Unfortunately I also doubt that XRandR 
multi GPU stuff will be there anytime soon.
I guess I gotta be patient here (good training), but if I understand 
correctly, there is hope.

As long as Xinerama isn't dropped completely I could try to combine 
displaylink/fbdev with the nvidia drivers, where fbdev is probably the 
more future-proof solution. If that fails, it might work to replace the 
nvidia driver with (2?) more instances of fbdev, then combining all 
fbdevs with Xinerama again.

That will require some playing around, but I hope I'll find some time 
for that (in the next months).


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