[Liboil] [announce] oil-0.1.0

cee1 fykcee1 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 04:39:51 PDT 2009

oil is focused on "be lightweigh in use of oil-based applications" and "be
extensible in development(test) stage of oil-based applications". To achieve
these, liboil is split into three modules, and glib dependence is introduced
in one of these three modules -- oiltest.
Module oiltest is a test framework, which is typically used to write test
tools in development stage. It should be more considered to be something in
the toolchain.
These are big difference with liboil, so doing a fork will be necessary.
Also, oil can cooperate with ORC. Since ORC concerns "How to generate
assembly code for each arch automatically", and oil concerns "How to
validate/profile these assembly code automatically".


2009/8/25 David Schleef <ds at entropywave.com>

> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 07:31:36PM +0800, cee1 wrote:
> > Hi all,I'm doing a fork (rewrite) of liboil.
> You *could* just send patches.
> dave...
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