mm pantech p4200 ipv6

Thomas Schäfer tschaefer at
Sun Sep 23 09:52:26 PDT 2012


I have a attached a logfile while testing IPv6-connections on the P4200, as I 
did with some other qmi-able recent modems.  

Despite, that is possible that this modem does not support IPv6 at all, I 

libqmi git version from today

modemmanager qmi-branch git-version from today

kernel from head/linux-next repository by opensuse, maybe from yesterday or 
the day before. 3.6.-rc6+something
(the modem is recognized automatically with all drivers)

Tests with IPv4 were successful in LTE-mode as well in (forced) 3G-Mode.

Don't be astonished, the plaintext APN  was replaced by me for reasons I don't 
want discuss.

The connections fails. I would be very happy to know why.
My hope is, that you, the experts, could clearly say, it's a firmwarebug, it's 
libqmi, or an mm-problem.
Or the problem is here sitting in front of the desk.


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