mm pantech p4200 ipv6

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Sun Sep 23 19:48:32 PDT 2012

> I have a attached a logfile while testing IPv6-connections on the P4200, as I 
> did with some other qmi-able recent modems.  
> Despite, that is possible that this modem does not support IPv6 at all, I 
> tried.
> Conditions:
> libqmi git version from today
> modemmanager qmi-branch git-version from today
> kernel from head/linux-next repository by opensuse, maybe from yesterday or 
> the day before. 3.6.-rc6+something
> (the modem is recognized automatically with all drivers)
> Tests with IPv4 were successful in LTE-mode as well in (forced) 3G-Mode.
> Don't be astonished, the plaintext APN  was replaced by me for reasons I don't 
> want discuss.
> The connections fails. I would be very happy to know why.
> My hope is, that you, the experts, could clearly say, it's a firmwarebug, it's 
> libqmi, or an mm-problem.
> Or the problem is here sitting in front of the desk.

So, the modem is now getting properly picked as a QMI modem, and
everything goes fine until the Start Network command is sent, we then
just get:

ModemManager[21864]: <info>  [1348416762.655737] [mm-bearer-qmi.c:176]
start_network_ready(): error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error
(14): 'CallFailed'
ModemManager[21864]: <info>  [1348416762.655848] [mm-bearer-qmi.c:190]
start_network_ready(): call end reason (1): 'generic-unspecified'
ModemManager[21864]: <info>  [1348416762.655951] [mm-bearer-qmi.c:201]
start_network_ready(): verbose call end reason (2,204): [internal]

Basically, call failed due to unknown reason. There doesn't seem to be
an error more generic than the one shown above, so hard to tell why it

Dan, is that similar to your UML290 IPv6 tests?



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