Huawei E3276 problem

Bjørn Mork bjorn at
Thu Feb 14 05:23:53 PST 2013

Fred Lefévère-Laoide <fred at> writes:

> I'm trying to use my Huawei E5830 with my rPi via usb/net
> the product id is 1446 and when it switches (via usb_modeswitch) the
> product id is 142d (sometimes 1401)

Could you send the output of

 lsusb -v

for each of these modes?

> lsmod tells me that option and usbwwan are loaded
> ttyUSB0 is created but I didn't manage to talk to it (tried minicom
> and cat/echo)
> Could you share your cdc_ncm driver for the rPi ?

The cdc_ncm changes are in Linux v3.8.


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