Aircard 341 factory reset issues

Markus Gothe nietzsche at
Wed Jul 1 11:32:15 PDT 2015

Got the AC341U today from eBay... Works well with my raw-ip-only driver fwiw.
Password protected UI. So I first SIM unlocked it then at the console, in Supervisor mode aka A710, I run 'AT!NVRESTORE=1' to get it OEM factory reset.

Well the it got deactivated and wants to activate against Sprint network (probably CDMA since their support mentions 3G).

I got however the MLS code from the support (it is a new algo so those programs out their wont work)...

Any clues what's the next step is? Hidden AT commands?

I can say it switched to QMI mode automagically in Linux have Netgears latest fw after the reset.


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