Anyone testing an MC7430 or other MDM9x30 based modem

Bjørn Mork bjorn at
Wed Oct 28 01:50:21 PDT 2015

(..or whatever the MDM9x30 was renamed to - they had some new fancy
name, but marketing lingo doesn't stick very well to my brain)

But that was not the question. The reason I ask is that I stumbled
across this in the Sierra Wireless GobiNet driver:

   // Send SetControlLineState request (USB_CDC)
   //   Required for Autoconnect and 9x30 to wake up
   result = usb_control_msg( pDev->mpNetDev->udev,
                             usb_sndctrlpipe( pDev->mpNetDev->udev, 0 ),
                             /* USB interface number to receive control message */
                             100 );

If there is something to that comment, then I guess we need driver
changes to support these devices.  Which is why I'm eager to have as
early testing as possible.  Don't know if anything like this will be
acceptable for stable. Might be if we make it MDM9x30 specific, but then
we'll have to keep track of chipsets as well.  Don't know if I want to
do that.  But the low timeout might be because this is actually failing
on (some?) older chipsets, and I am not willing to accept that.  Even if
it is "only" 100ms.

FYI: the MC74xx/EM74xx device IDs were added just a few days ago, so if
you're going to test this, then you will have to add them yourself or
use a really new kernel.  The "new_id method" should work fine if you
don't want to rebuild the driver.

Mostly mentioning this now because I'll need it when I Google this issue
in a few months time.


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